Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mughal Music

Music is very popular in the Pakistan Culture. Pakistan Music dates back from the Vedas which are texts that date back from 4000-1000 B.C. The Vedas texts contain about a thousand hymns. From these hymns evolved the music that is still played in today's Pakistan Society. Due to the Muslim invaders during the 12Th Century music in the Northwest changed, whereas the music in the south stayed the same. Due The actions of the northwest invaders there are now two different types of music; Karnatic which is the type of music in the south and Hindustani is listened in the Northern parts of India. In Pakistan today the music is very interesting. I Happen to enjoy the beat and style of the music. Most songs I have heard really want to make me Dance. Below is a video on Pakistan's more modern music. You can see all the spectators dancing and having a great time. I hope everyone enjoys the music as much as I do!


  1. While this music has nice rythms and sound to it, I still prefer the more modern and westernized style of music. Other than that, you cannot stress the influence it must have had on the Pakistani culture as we experience it today.

  2. I find the musical style to be very interesting. The rhythms and beats are really interesting and fun to listen to.
    While this doesn't fall into the normal genres I listen to I still find it really neat and I look forward to finding out more about the music in out paper!
